Sustainability in Event Planning

You can be green in planning your events.

Planning an event can be a daunting task, especially when you start thinking about the environmental impact that it might have. From the use of plastic cups to the amount of food waste generated, events can have a significant impact on the environment. However, there are several ways in which you can plan events that are both fun and sustainable. In this guide, we will discuss tips and tricks to help you plan a sustainable event.

1. Venue selection

Choosing the right venue is key when it comes to planning a sustainable event. Choose a venue that is easily accessible by public transport, and consider the energy efficiency of the building. If the venue is old and not well insulated, it can be difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature during the event. Therefore, consider a venue with excellent insulation and double-glazed windows to help regulate the temperature inside the building. Also, consider using natural light during the day, which can save on energy costs and provide a pleasant ambiance.

2. Minimize waste

Minimizing waste should be at the forefront of any sustainable event. Consider ways in which you can reduce the amount of waste generated during the event. One way is to use reusable cups and plates instead of disposable ones. This small change can significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste generated during the event. Another way is to minimize food waste. You can do this by accurately estimating the number of attendees and only ordering food that you know will be consumed. Additionally, consider donating leftovers to a local food bank or composting them.

3. Go digital

With technology advancements, there is no need for printing thousands of paper handouts or brochures. Instead, opt for digital copies that can be accessed by attendees through their mobile devices. Not only does this reduce paper waste, but it also helps in reducing costs and the environmental impact of distribution.

4. Use sustainable transportation

Transportation is one of the most significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, it is essential to consider the carbon footprint of your event. Encourage attendees to use public transport or carpool with other attendees to the event. If possible, consider organizing shuttle buses, and opt for electric or hybrid vehicles rather than traditional gas-powered options.

5. Sustainable decoration

Event decorations can be a significant source of waste. Therefore, consider using sustainable decorations such as potted plants, which can be donated or replanted after the event. Also, consider using locally sourced flowers to reduce the carbon footprint of transporting them from far away.

6. Partner with sustainable vendors

Partnerships with sustainable vendors can make a significant impact on the sustainability of your event. Consider partnering with local vendors who prioritize sustainability and who walk the talk. You can also look for vendors who use sustainable materials or who have a sustainable business model.

7. Measure your impact

It is essential to measure your event's environmental impact so that you can make improvements in the next one. Consider collecting data on areas such as carbon footprint, waste generation, and energy consumption. Use this data as feedback to make changes you introduce in the next event.

In conclusion, planning a sustainable event requires some time and effort, but it can have a significant impact on the environment we live in. Remember always to prioritize sustainability in all the aspects of the event planning process, from venue selection to vendor partnerships. With these tips, you can host a successful event that is fun, engaging, and sustainable.

Check out our other guides for event planners.